Friday 16 March 2018

Term 1 Week 9

Dear Parents,

This week will be the last week for Homework this term.

Religion:  We have completed the unit on Creation and will begin the unit on Jesus as the Messiah.

English:  The students are completing their first draft of a Persuasive text: Picking up rubbish should be a new school rule. When finished, the students will edit their work and write a final copy. Towards the end of the week, we will begin to revise how to plan, write and edit Imaginative texts. The students are working through a NAPLAN Language Conventions booklet. 

Mathematics:  We are revising counting patterns. The students are also learning about Mass ( weight) and capacity.  I encourage you to look at items at home that are measured in grams (g), kilograms (kg), millilitres (mL) and litres (L) and discuss these with your children.  Cooking also helps with understanding these formal units of measurement.

Science: Last Friday, the students enjoyed their first lesson about the Sun, Earth and Moon and what causes day and night. We will continue this unit this week.

Cross Country

Dear Parents,
The Cross Country will be held on the last Tuesday of the term ( 27/3), This is also a Free Dress Day. It will be a gold coin donation for Caritas. We are encouraging the students to wear their house colour t-shirt with shorts and sandshoes that are appropriate to run in.

Sunday 11 March 2018

Week 8

Dear Parents,
On Wednesday afternoon in week 10, Three Green will be hosting Assembly.

RELIGION:  We are completing our unit on Creation and will begin the Unit about Jesus as the Messiah.
ENGLISH:  Grammar- common and proper nouns
                     Sound Waves - the 'i' sound as in igloo
                     Completing our assessment of a Persuasive text,
                     Writing an Imaginative text

MATHS    Revising how to interpret a calendar ( grade 2 concept)
                  Measuring length - cm and m
                  Nearest 10 strategy when adding 9

SCIENCE: What causes day and night.


Friday 2 March 2018


Dear parents,

Sometimes I am going to add a book to  the website link that corresponds with the sound we are learning.    I have added 'Hugless Douglas" that corresponds to the 'd' sound .  In class, the children will be reading along with the book.  They will make a list of words in the book that have the graphemes d or dd.