Sunday 24 March 2019

Weeks 7, 8 and 9

Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Please read the last post about parent teacher interviews.

RELIGION: The children have complete Moral Living.  We are now covering the unit 'Creation'. The children are learning about the relationships in Creation and explaining order in Creation. We will also look at celebrating diversity and living in harmony with each other.

ENGLISH:  The children are learning to write Persuasive texts. We are using the books: Don't Open This Book Again   and   Too Many Toys which both use persuasive language and pictures.
  • Learning rules for contractions
  • using the long e rule in spelling
  • oi and oy sound
  • Design own island on a grid, labelled with co-ordinates, a title and a key.
  • Measurement; length ( cm, m, km), capacity ( mL, L) and mass ( g, kg)
  • Continuing exploring numbers to 999
  • Revise concepts from previous weeks.
  • Daily Maths Mentals book
  • What causes day and night. Introduce terms: revolve, rotation, orbit, axis, clockwise, anticlockwise
  • What causes seasons.

Parent/Teacher Interviews

Thank you to the parents who have booked an appointment with me to discuss their child. This will be a three way conference for the first 5 minutes. This means that your child has been invited to participate in the interview; sharing their successes, goals and challenges. 

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Week 6 - Wellbeing Week

Good morning Parents/Caregivers,

This is Wellbeing Week. We have a no homework policy, with the exception of reading, for the week.
After learning about democratic decision making in HASS, the children of 3 Green voted for their class representatives for Semester 1 .Through discussion, the children believed that a girl and boy should be chosen ( not two of the same gender).  Congratulations to Kash Poi and Talia Hovan.


Complete Moral Living:  Learn about Catholic Mission and Caritas and the Beatitudes they follow.  Relate Beatitudes to everyday life.


Read ' Fredrick Goes Bananas' - a book about resilience.
  • Rewrite main ideas in form of a cartoon strip
  • find striking words and match synonyms to these words
  • Look at stylised words in text describing fish. Innovate by describing bananas.
  • Rules for adding suffix 'ed' to words
  • 15 minutes of Independent Reading per day
  • Guided reading groups daily
  • punctuating activities
  • Revising verbs

Writing:  Genre: Creative Writing


Revise money, interpreting graphs, time ( o'clock/half past)

  • Democratic decision making
  • Understanding the difference between participating in and contributing to a community