Monday 4 June 2018

Week 8

We welcome two new children to our class:  Sam and Christian.

Overview of Weeks 8 and 9:

RELIGION: We have completed our unit on the Parish and have begun the unit: Life in Jesus' Time.
We will be looking at the cultural context of that time, including what life was like, who were the shamed and honoured and the four gospel writers.

ENGLISH:   The children are completing a narrative assessment.  We have been looking at language features that will engage the audience: onomatopoeia, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, similes, power of 3, alliteration,  3,4 and more. 

                       Sound Waves  Unit 17  (   i _e ,  y, igh, i    ie    as in icecream  )  , and 18  ( n nn   kn  as in net) 

We have been reading picture books with rich language. The children particularly enjoyed listening to and reading 'Knots In A Counting Rope'. This can be found on my blog. It contains lots of rich language.

MATHEMATICS:  We have been practising reading time on both analogue and digital clocks. The children also need to write the time in words.
2:15 is written as: quarter past 2 or 15 minutes past 2
2:30 is written as:  half past 2 or 30 minutes past 2
2:45 is written as:  quarter to 3

HASS: This week we complete our learning about the four commemorations/celebrations in Australia - Australia Day, ANZAC Day, National Sorry Day and Queensland Day.
The children have also labelled Australia's capital cities, states and territories. They have also plotted natural and manmade landmarks- Uluru,  The Great Barrier Reef,  Sydney Opera House and Australia's Parliament House in Canberra.

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